AI Song Generator

Write what's on your mind..

Songs Streaming on Chalez

Gangsta’s Paradise v1

hip hop, trap



Gangsta’s Paradise v2

rap, trap



Gangsta’s Paradise v3

slow, hit



Create Songs with Description

Craft a personalized song just for you! Simply describe the occasion, mood, or special message you want your song to convey.

Create Songs with Lyrics

Already have lyrics in mind? Let Chalez bring them to life! Submit your lyrics, and we'll transform them into a beautiful song that matches your requests.

The New Era of Music: Powered by Your Creativity

Welcome to the future of music creation, where technology and creativity come together like never before. This new era of music is defined by the limitless possibilities of AI, allowing anyone to create original, high-quality songs with ease.

Create and Listen to Music Anywhere

Chalez is designed to be used by everyone, anywhere. Whether you're on your phone or computer, you can access Chalez effortlessly through your browser. No app downloads needed—just visit our website and start creating custom songs and listen to them from any device.

Music knows no boundaries—create, listen, and share your unique sound wherever you are. Unleash your creativity, and let your voice be heard across the world. Available on any device. Keep dreaming, keep creating.